You are A Wonder
Chava Alberstein
Every moment that we live
Is a new moment
Every moment that we live
There is nothing like it in the universe
There has never been anything like it in the world
And there never will be anything like it in the world
At school?
They teach us that
Two and another two
Are four
And that Paris is the capital of France….
When will they teach us what is here and now
We need to tell each of them:
Do you know what you are –
You are a wonder
You are the one and only
You are a wonder
In the entire world
There is no other child exactly like you
You are a wonder
You are the one and only
And look at your body –
What a wonder it is
Your legs, your arms, your quick fingers
The way you move
You are a wonder
You could be Shakespeare
Michael-Angelo, Beethoven
You are a wonder!
You have the ability to do everything
Yes, you are a wonder
And when you grow up –
Will you be able then to harm another person
Who like you is a wonder
He is also the one and only
He is also a wonder!
You must respect each other
You must work
We must all work
In order to make our world
Great for our children
There is nothing more natural than love of the homeland
Why would love stop at the border?
You are a wonder….