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Rosh Hashana
Sources & Philosophy
"Achva" (Brotherhood) group
A holiday blessing for Rosh Hashana
A New Moon on the day of our festival
At the eve of Yom Kippur
Blessings from children
Excerpts from Talmud Bavli
For you, if not for us
From my own flesh I have seen
God's tefillin
Holiday customs
Holiday’s reception for the family
I tell me morning
In the tradition of our Sages
Laws of Repentance
Leviticus Rabbah
Like the prayer of a baby
About the Shofar and the Ram
Migration of birds
Nature in the month of Elul
On Rosh Hashanah the world starts anew
No History
The Tishrei Holidays
Beginning of Elul and the golden calf
The changes in the fall season
The clock and the shofar
The days of Elul in the community - Iraq
Remembrance and the Holidays of the Future
The custom of greeting cards
The shofar and its design
The shofar and its roles
The shofar is intended to awaken and remind
The villagers’ prayer
The world was created on Tishrei
Children make their greetings
Untitled - Rabbi Gershon
What is the idea of Rosh Hashanah?
When the Shofar blows on Month Elul
With the new year
You cannot see yourself from the side

Mary Yatziv

"Achva" (Brotherhood) group

the days of the Second Aliya

In the Achva group, they decided to celebrate Rosh Hashanah together. At noon the members started taking care of the holiday arrangements. They divided the work between them - they obtained pigeons for free, obtained wine, challah bread, candles. We, the girls, arranged the room (we were living in B's orchard back then). We arranged tables of anything we could find. We had plenty of chairs - there were plenty of oil crates. We covered the tables with white tablecloths, flowers, candles, and the smell of cooking pigeons filling the room. Everything was ready. Now we need to dress up as festive as possible.

The room is empty, awaiting the members to enter. First to come was Bergman, the "Zamadnik", the "Busiac" (from the sand workers), the barefoot of the barefooted - who used to wear his torn shirt as if he had been born with it. y he is dressed in a white shirt, a blue suit and a tie. He was so odd and strange, as if it were not him. Last to come was our own Stripeler, who is always barefoot, the man for whom shoes were nothing, and whose pants were always rolled up over the knees (shorts were not yet worn in these days). Today he showed up in a black garment and a white collar - as if he had just come from Vienna.

One after the other they entered looking at each other as if they were embarrassed. There was sadness in the room. The ate the festive meal, and hurried away each man and woman to their corner.


The rumor of the holiday in the orchard spread through the colony. We could hear the singing getting closer from afar and there comes a group of friends led by D. Bader. Our members started gathering again, but not wearing holiday clothes from the suitcases. The dancing started. This was not singing, but a cry. I lay on a pile of sacks in the narrow hallway, because a fever came on me; and there I see: Bader coming out of the room, standing in the corridor making strange movements with his hands and feet. I thought: The man has gone crazy. I asked in fear: "What is with you?" - and he answered: "How is Dray Mee Ann ..." ("I am twisting myself") and then he went back into the room with renewed powers singing and dancing and encouraging the guys.

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